Our Site
A place of welcome.
Our shelter, Daytime Hospitality Center and administrative offices are at the former Sts. Peter & Paul Church at 730 State Pier Road in New London.
The parking lot for the shelter is at 325 Huntington St., New London.
Learn more about our site and what we do by signing up for one of our monthly tours!

Overnight Shelter
Our 40-bed shelter, including a Respite Center for those confronting chronic or acute heath issues, is full nearly every night. In winter, we take in everyone who needs to get out of the cold.
Daytime Hospitality Center
The Center, located on the first floor of the former church, offers what our guests need: a place to sit where they’re not asked to move along.
It’s also a place to get mail, make a phone call, take a shower, do laundry, use the bathroom, get a pair of socks, and log onto a computer. Finally, the Daytime Center is a place for guests to meet with staff, outside providers, volunteers and others who will get people the help they need to get back on their feet.